LA SCCC Campaign Coordinator - Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the Louisiana State Combined Charitable Campaign (LA SCCC)?
What state agencies are included in the LA SCCC?
The 2025 campaign will begin on September 3rd:
Can our department/agency host LA SCCC fundraisers outside of the campaign timeline? If so, how do I submit the funds?
What types of donation payments are accepted?
What happens with money raised through special events and/or group collections (i.e. a bake sale)?
Can an employee cancel or change their deduction at any time?
Are employees who do not have payroll administered through the LaGov HCM payroll system allowed to participate in the LA SCCC?
An employee made a Special Events Contribution and would like to receive a tax acknowledgement letter for their donation, how can they request this?
Will donor information be shared with the charitable organizations receiving contributions?
How is the percentage of fundraising and administrative expenses established?
Are additional fundraising and administrative expenses taken out once the charity collects LA SCCC funding?
Who do I contact if I have questions regarding the LA SCCC?
Who do I contact if I have specific payroll deduction questions? And who should donors contact with payroll inquiries?
Can my campaign team create our own marketing materials to support the LA SCCC?
Is my state agency/department allowed to participate in other fundraisers during other times of the year?